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Award Notification:  Lukas Hefty (FL '16)

Featured in this video:  Lukas Hefty (FL '16)
St. Petersburg, FL   |    Jan 12, 2017
Douglas L. Jamerson, Jr. Elementary School

Florida STEM Teacher Lukas Hefty Is a Milken Educator

Dignitaries have descended upon Douglas L. Jamerson, Jr. Elementary School, a STEM-focused magnet school in St. Petersburg, Florida, to celebrate the school's STEM conference for students, including Florida Department of Education Deputy Chancellor of Educator Quality Dr. Brian Dassler and Pinellas County Schools Superintendent Dr. Michael A. Grego. But they've got an unexpected guest in the wings: Dr. Jane Foley, senior vice president of the Milken Educator Awards, who surprises Lukas Hefty, the school's math and science magnet coordinator, with Florida's 2016-17 Award and a check for $25,000! Watch as the routine assembly turns into a moment Hefty will remember forever.

