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Award Notification:  Amy Stanislowski (KS '14)

Featured in this video:  Amy Stanislowski (KS '14)
Wichita, KS   |    Feb 03, 2015
Dodge Literacy Magnet Elementary School

“Can I Get a Woo-hoo?” Asks Wichita, KS Milken Educator Amy Stanislowski

Amy Stanislowski, a third-grade teacher at Dodge Literacy Magnet School in Wichita, Kansas was surprised with a Milken Educator Award and a $25,000 check from Milken Family Foundation Chairman and Co-Founder Lowell Milken. One of her students excitedly described how it all happened. “This one guy told us that one special teacher will get $25,000 and I was crossing my fingers for it to be Ms. Stanislowski … and it was!” Watch Amy’s reaction when she hears her name announced at the schoolwide assembly full of VIPs including Kansas Deputy Commissioner of Education Dale Dennis, Wichita Public Schools Superintendent John Allison and many more.

