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Justin Scarbro (NC '21)

Featured in this video:  Justin Scarbro (NC '21)
Greensboro, NC   |    Feb 24, 2022
Walter Hines Page High School

Justin Scarbro's NC Milken Award Surprise

North Carolina Milken Educator Justin Scarbro never wanted to be anything but a teacher. "I grew up in a place where male role models are few and far between," he said at his surprise Milken Educator Award notification on February 24, 2022 at Walter Hines Page High School in Greensboro. "The people I looked up to who made me believe there was life beyond where I was were my teachers. That's the role I hope to play in somebody's life someday." Watch the exciting announcement, Justin's emotional reaction, and the long ovation from his students and colleagues.

