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Award Notification:  Shannon Ryan (NM '14)

Featured in this video:  Shannon Ryan (NM '14)
Albuquerque, NM   |    Jan 22, 2015
Lavaland Elementary School

Albuquerque, New Mexico’s Shannon Ryan: Like Father, Like Daughter

When Shannon Ryan’s name was called during a morning assembly at Lavaland Elementary School, the fifth grade teacher was able to keep her composure – that is, until she spotted her father, Tom Ryan (NM ’99), who had been hiding in a P.E. closet. When he won the Award back in 1999, he was the principal at Del Norte High School. The younger Ryan is thrilled to follow in her father’s footsteps as the New Mexico winner of the 2014-15 Milken Educator Award. Ryan says her students inspire her. “It’s just fun learning with them and seeing the world through their eyes and bringing love into their lives … and hope,” Ryan said. “You can’t get a better job than that.” Watch as New Mexico Education Secretary Hanna Skandera, along with Milken Educator Awards Senior Vice President Jane Foley, pack a ton of energy into this momentous surprise of a lifetime.

