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Award Notification:  Alayna Siemonsma (SD '12)

Featured in this video:  Alayna Siemonsma (SD '12)
Rapid City, SD   |    Nov 20, 2012
South Park Elementary School

The Crowd Goes Wild for 2012 South Dakota Milken Educator Alayna Siemonsma

Surprise! Faculty and students at South Park Elementary School in Rapid City erupted in cheers upon learning that fourth-grade teacher Alayna Siemonsma was selected as South Dakota’s Milken Educator for 2012. The recognition comes with a $25,000 prize that Alayna can use however she chooses. Governor Dennis Daugaard joined Milken Educator Awards Senior Vice President Dr. Jane Foley in making the special presentation. "Let's hear it for Alayna! Hooray!," said Governor Daugaard. How did Alayna react? Watch the video to find out!

