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"My father's influence really turned me on to education. When I was a little girl, he would work nights and spend days with me and plan different 'classes' each day. Monday was music day and he would teach me to play different instruments. Tuesday was science day and he would take me on nature walks and teach me about plants, animals and bugs. Wednesday was art day and we would do things like finger painting. Thursday was library day and we would go to the library for story time, puzzle play and more. Friday was sports day and he would teach me how to play different sports. Saturday was playground day and he would take me to all the different playgrounds around town. Sunday was Bible story day and he would teach me about God. Not only that, but he would read to me every day and pray with me every night. He sparked in me a curiosity about everything around me in this great world, and taught me the immense value of education." — Spotlight interview