Connections: Linking Talented Educators
Connections: Linking Talented Educators

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Milken Educators: Where Are They Now? (Part 2)

November 2, 2015

Yanaiza Gallant (RI ’12) 

Yanaiza Gallant and Jane Foley


When Yanaiza Gallant won the Milken Educator Award in 2012, she was making her mark as the K-5 reading specialist for Lillian Feinstein Elementary School in Providence, RI. Through intervention strategies and literacy events, reading achievement levels rose schoolwide under her influence. 

Related: See photos of her award ceremony and watch the video of her reaction!


After winning the Milken Award, Gallant was accepted into a selective transformation leadership program through the New York City Leadership Academy. From there, she was hired as the “proud” transformation principal of Orlo Elementary School in East Providence, RI.

In her own words: 

“I will never forget my Milken assembly. I had stayed after school the day before to set up the entire gym. Little did I know that I was decorating for myself. When they called my name, I thought so much as I walked up to the microphone. I knew that at the moment, I was going to be able to show the students in front of me, who were students just like me (immigrated to the US, second-language learner, grew up with limited resources), that ANYTHING is possible!

“The Milken Educator Award opened up so many doors for me. After being presented with the Milken award, I was asked to chair Governor Chafee's Teacher Autonomy Task Force, which promoted educator voice in education.  This process brought together multiple stakeholders such as the Rhode Island Department of Education, superintendents, principals, local unions, business professionals and teachers to advocate for a stronger educator voice to be present in both state and local levels.  The Milken Award also made it possible to go and speak at local schools and community forums about perseverance and growth mindset. The award was exactly the reminder that I needed to continue to pursue my passion for education and the need to inspire others in the field. The Milken Award pushed me to say more, do more, and be more!”


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