Educator Profile    Educators

Timothy Fulcher (MI '99)

Assistant Principal

Hazel Park High School
Hazel Park, MI

At the time of the Award, Timothy Fulcher was:

Hazel Park High School
Hazel Park, MI

Subject(s) taught: Mathematics
Grade(s): 9, 10, 11, 12

Biographical Information

To make learning math more fun at Hazel Park High School in Hazel Park, teacher Timothy Fulcher occasionally surprises his students with trick questions and conundrums. He organized a Math and Technology Club that allows students to encounter real-world applications of math through field trips to engineering and manufacturing sites. As a member of the school improvement team, Mr. Fulcher helped create and direct "Connection Hour," a program designed to reduce the rate of freshman failures and dropouts by providing students with a nonacademic setting in which to connect with a teacher supervisor, as well as with each other. An expert on the use of graphing calculators, Mr. Fulcher has led district-wide workshops on the technology.

Additional Information


1992 Taylor University, B.A.

